Help Your Clients Diversify Their Investment STRATEGIES,
Not Just Their Asset Classes.
Think About It:
When stocks are strong, if you have your clients in a 60/40 Portfolio, the
bonds usually hurt performance. If bonds are strong, the stocks hurt
performance. If both stocks and bonds are weak (which can happen), you should actually be in cash, right? A diversified portfolio is widely accepted as the strategy of choice, but it can lead to enormous losses, like it did from 2000 to 2002 and then again in 2008.
Can Your Clients Afford to Lose 40% to 50% Like 2008?
Add An Additional Strategy to Add Real Diversification:
We can identify major stock market trends with our "Trend Monitors."
When stocks are strong, we invest in stocks.
When bonds are strong, we invest in bonds.
When all asset classes are weak or underperforming, we move to cash.

Access to Robert W. Colby's Proprietary Research:
Advisors who participate in our Solicitor Program will also receive Robert W. Colby's Colby Global Markets Report every week. Mr. Colby has been a consultant to institutional and private investors and traders for 50+ years, and his research, analysis, and observations can help you and your clients as well.